How are the tests
Sampling procedure
Both the periodontal bacterial and genetic tests are performed by drawing the crevicular fluid (gum) colonized by bacteria and epithelial cells.
Specimen collection is quick for the operator and painless for the patient.
Operating Procedure
1. Sampling
Insert a sterile paper cone (minimum diameter 60) in the periodontal or peri-implant pocket for at least 30 seconds and put it back in the tube.
Repeat the procedure in order to have a minimum of two paper cones for tubes (4 pqpres tips in 2 tubes); close the tube and place it inside the plastic bag.
2. Compilation references
Fill the adhesive label with the reference of the Applicant, a patient code, the email to send test result, the billing information. Tick the type of test.
3. Payment
Pay by bank transfer to:
Intesa Sanpaolo – Casalecchio di Reno (BO)
IBAN IT54 I030 6918 5191 0000 0003 405
Specify Applicant and the patient code.
4. How to prepare the material to be shipped
Store in an envelope:
(A) Filled label.
(B) Tubes with paper cones
(C) a copy of transfer receipt
Attach the sticker with LAB address and mail the envelope.
Test results
Test results will be sent by e-mail to dentist.